August 20, 2019
Georgia Bureau of Investigation Coastal Regional Crime Laboratory Holds Grand Opening
Congratulations to our client, The Georgia Bureau of Investigation, who celebrated the Grand Opening of their new Coastal Regional Crime Laboratory in Savannah, GA, last week!
This new state-of-the-art forensic center replaced the oldest lab facility in the GBI regional system and serves 24 counties in southeast Georgia. The facility design proactively addresses the growing demand for forensic services in the southeastern region of the state and comprises forensic labs and lab support, medical examiner space and support, evidence control and storage, and office and shared space. Forensic services include DNA/forensic biology, firearms (including test and firing range), drug chemistry, toxicology, and pathology/autopsy along with associates support and evidence control.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp was in attendance along with many other state leaders and City officials, like Mayor Mike Lamb.
“I know that this crime lab is designed to better serve, and I believe that it will. I believe it will make the agency more efficient,” the governor said. “I know that it will provide easier access for the law enforcement community, certainly in Southeast Georgia.”
GBI Director Vic Reynolds says the new facility will meet the growing demand of forensic services across the state.
“What this facility will do, it will allow them to bring those items that need to be tested to a brand new structure that has the most cutting edge scientific equipment; that has the ability to grow over the course of many years in this part of the state.”
Mayor Mike Lamb says the new lab will help create jobs while providing families and victims with finding the truth in their cases.
“This is going to help our city, but also the entire area around here, so it’s a blessing for our city, but it’s a blessing for the entire area so that they can bring evidence to this particular location and get back to their cities quickly.”
Through a collaborative approach, CLD applied Lean Six Sigma principles to create efficient and organized workflows capable of meeting changes in forensic science capabilities and criminal justice expectations over the next three decades, providing programming, laboratory and equipment planning through CA, MEP design through DD, and CD peer review.