With thirteen national locations, international expertise, a deep bench of talent and more than twenty-five years of expertise allow us to respond to challenges of every size and scale.
About Us

Forensic Facilities Specialists
Forensic science requires unique facilities that house several different kinds of specialized spaces under one roof. These facilities must meet scientifically demanding environments, yet retain the best staff and manage public access. Accordingly, it is critical to the success of your forensic laboratory or medical examiner project that the design team has specialized knowledge and experience in the functional elements of forensic facilities.
Crime Lab Design provides the forensic science community with integrated architectural, engineering, and lab planning services for the development of modern forensic facilities. We are well-versed in the specialized considerations and unique challenges of forensic science facilities, including changing technologies/methodologies; evidence intake, assessing and storage; proper ventilation and odor control; ANAB, NAME and ISO 17025 criteria; security; and health & safety.
Forensic science requires unique facilities that house several different kinds of specialized spaces under one roof.

Contact Us
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Our Offices
Detroit (Headquarters)
- 123 West 5th Street
- Royal Oak, MI 48067
- 248-262-1620
- 1447 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 700
- Atlanta, GA 30309
- 133 Federal Street, Floor 5
- Boston, MA 02110
- 320 North Sangamon St., Suite 1050
- Chicago, IL 60607
- 15301 Spectrum Dr., Suite 450
- Addison, TX 75001
Los Angeles
- 550 South Hope Street, Suite 2500
- Los Angeles, CA 90071
- 230 South Broad Street, Suite 201
- Philadelphia, PA 19102
- 1230 R Street
- Sacramento, CA 95811
San Diego
- 11750 Sorrento Valley Rd, Suite 100
- San Diego, CA 92121
San Francisco
- 417 Montgomery St., Suite 400
- San Francisco, CA 94104
St. Louis
- 411 North 10th Street, Suite 400
- St. Louis, MO 63101
- 401 East Jackson St., Suite 3300
- Tampa, FL 33602
Washington, D.C.
- 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, West Tower Suite 400
- Bethesda, MD 20814